Christmas Peanut Butter Blossoms

Christmas to my little family emulates family traditions. From large traditions to the smallest traditions, they remind us of family memories. Some of our family traditions include Christmas jammies, chocolate fondue on Christmas Eve, a large dinner with family on Christmas Eve/Christmas day, white elephant gift exchange with the extended family, watching the Polar Express with hot chocolate, and so many different yummy treats and desserts.

One of the many desserts that Porter’s family makes each Christmas are these Christmas blossom cookies. The base of these cookies are a creamy peanut butter cookie with a delicious chocolate kiss on top. As soon as I had these my first Christmas with them, I knew they would become a tradition in my little family as well. While yes, you could make these cookies all year round and no one would complain about it, these remind our family of the season of Christmas.

I would love to learn more about your family traditions! Comment below your favorite traditions, treats, or recipes below 🙂

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